Animal Welfare

Evolutionary Biology


Animal Behavior

Why Do Animals Play? The Science Behind Play Behavior

The sight of animals at play is a universally familiar one, whether or not it is dogs wrestling, kittens pouncing, or dolphins frolicking inside the…

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Can My Pet’s Behavior Be “Fixed”?

Living with an animal that messes up your house, damages your belongings, fights with people, keeps you up at night, or gives you other types of worry…

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Dog attacks – how to keep yourself safe

From Dog groomers to behaviourists, we are all at chance! Are you doing enough to hold yourself secure?

I was inspired to create this piece when a…

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Aggression in Animal Groups: Exploring Influencing Factors and Behavioral Dynamics

Aggression is a ubiquitous phenomenon in animal behavior, often arising within social groups due to competition for resources, mating opportunities,…

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Understanding Social Behavior in Primates: Insights into Hierarchies, Communication, and Cooperation

Primates, our closest biological relatives, exhibit complex social behaviors that have fascinated researchers for decades. Among these behaviors, social…

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Parental Care in Insects: Exploring Diverse Strategies and Their Evolutionary Significance

Parental care in insects encompasses a wide array of behaviors and strategies aimed at enhancing the survival and development of offspring. From the…

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Territoriality in Mammals: Understanding Establishment, Defense, and Implications

Territorial behavior is a fundamental aspect of the social ecology of many mammal species, encompassing the establishment, defense, and maintenance…

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Migration Patterns of Birds: Investigating the Navigation Systems and Environmental Cues

Migration, a splendid phenomenon located in various animal species, in particular birds, involves the seasonal motion from one location to another.…

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